We all have different views about drugs and vaccines, one objective we all have in common is to ensure that they are safe, and fit for purpose.
Drug and vaccine manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their products, and where damage is caused, it is important that they take responsibility towards anyone who has been adversely affected as a consequence of taking their product.
World action 4 safer Drugs and Vaccines is about pulling people together from all walks of life, different ages and different countries in order to achieve this common goal. Our 3 primary objectives:
1) To carry out Independent Public driven/ commissioned independent testing and research about the existing COVID virus. Produce and publish reports commissioned by the people for the people
2) To use research findings to seek Independent public driven solutions/Alternatives
One size fits approach is unlikely to work and so perhaps not everyone can be vaccinated. Unless there is conclusive evidence, it is unlikely those with a range of medical conditions ranging from allergies, asthma, lung disease, epilepsy, etc. will feel safe enough to take a vaccine, and as such alternative solutions are required in such cases.
3) To raise funds to assist those in regions of the world such as Africa and Asia who have suffered as a consequence of taking a prescribed drug and vaccine manufacturers. In such areas of the world perhaps there are no systems in place for compensation. Too often it is easy to ignore something until it happens on your own doorstep. Having said this, human beings have a great capacity to help others in need, and this is what we are hoping to do.
So please get involved help save lives, help save jobs. Please email on
info@wa4saferdrugsandvaccines.com- If you are a scientist or researcher and need support to help develop a reliable testing method that can be done on a mass basis please get involved
- If you want to help fund research please get involved
- If you have a platform a media audience we want to reach out to as many people as possible please get involved
- If you haven’t had any symptoms please get involved
- If you have had virus and recovered please get involved
- If you have medical issues and are able to please get involved
- If you have allergies please get involved
- If you have had a vaccine and had tell us negative symptoms please get involved
- If you wish to contribute towards aid for those families in Africa and Asia would be fantastic please get involved.
- If you know about fundraising please get involved
- If you have ideas for solutions please get involved
- If you have skills media/Technology get involved
*** Small changes by all can make a huge difference
Related Links
- Deleted Bill Gates injecting children https://ourtube.co.uk/watch/UIawpstyY9TbHFv
- Bill Gates DNA https://principia-scientific.com/bill-gates-admits-covid-vaccine-changes-dna-now-doctors-rebel/
- Anna Brees interview Journalist and Scientist https://youtu.be/qP36UgVjMPk
- Anna Brees Interview Lawyer https://youtu.be/snSHurxtzIQ
- Government spending Track and Trace App https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUKKBN2832FL